Neuroscience is helping us to understand how to ground our anxiety

By Dee Wagner, LPC, BC-DMT

I just read Holly Riordan's post below which stirred my gratitude for polyvagal theory. I posted this response: Neuroscience is helping us understand how to ground our anxiety. The move from fight/flight energy to what Stephen Porges calls our Social Engagement System biology helps us find an energized place that does not involve bursts of adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. As the name suggest, we move into our social engagement system by getting messages that all is ok, not that there won't be really tough stuff to deal with but that we'll deal. Those suggestions don't have to come from other people once we get to a certain age; they can come from inner coaching. It's nice to hear the inner-coaching in this piece.

Check out the article.

When we can coach ourselves such that we stay in our social engagement system biology, dating can be playful and fun. Check out page 97 of our book/workbook Naked Online: A DoZen Ways to Grow from Internet Dating.


Profiling is Good…for Digital Dating


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